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Moon Calendar

Updated: Mar 1, 2024

Throughout history, people have relied on the Moon to keep track of time. Every month, it journeys through the twelve zodiac signs, which we often associate with our birth sign or Sun sign. But the Moon serves as more than just a celestial clock. It acts as a conduit, filtering cosmic energies to us, shaping our experiences and actions based on the unique arrangement of the stars at the moment of our birth—what we call our natal birth chart.

The Moon calendar offers a distinct perspective. It traces the Moon's path through the elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—and highlights moments when the Moon is void of course, a time often associated with reflection and pause.

As the Moon cycles through the zodiac signs each month, it exposes us to different qualities inherent in each sign. While we typically identify with our birth sign, these signs hold deeper meanings and influences that extend beyond mere labels.

The influence of the Moon is ever so present, although we might not notice at ones.

A classic, of course is the Full Moon, when vibrant activities become more apparent.

So are the moments when the Moon is in Void of Course. In one month the Moon is approximately 13 times V.C.

A V.C. Moon starts at the moment when she makes the last aspect to one of the planets or the Sun, before entering the next sign of the Zodiac.

Aspects used are 0, 60, 90, 120

and 180 degree distance

0 = conjunct

60 = sextile

90 = square

120 = trine

180 = opposite

There is much to say about what to and what not to do during a V.C. Moon.

How to use the calendar

Using this calendar that includes information about the phases of the Moon and its placement in the Zodiac signs can be a helpful tool for tracking astrological events and planning activities accordingly. Here's how you can utilize such a calendar effectively:

  1. Understanding the Elements: Familiarize yourself with the four elements associated with the Zodiac signs:

  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

  • Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  1. Interpreting the Colors: Each day on the calendar is marked with a colour corresponding to the element of the Zodiac sign the Moon is in. For example, if the Moon is in Aries, which is a fire sign, that day is coloured red to represent the fire element.

  2. Tracking the Phases of the Moon: The calendar also indicates the phases of the Moon, such as the new moon, full moon, first quarter, and last quarter. These phases can affect energy levels, emotions, and activities. For instance, full moons are often associated with heightened emotions and culminations, while new moons symbolize new beginnings and fresh starts.

  3. Planning Activities: Use the information provided on the calendar to plan your activities and events accordingly. For example:

  • If the Moon is in a fire sign (red), it might be a good time for energetic and dynamic activities and taking initiative.

  • If the Moon is in an earth sign (green), it could be favourable for grounding activities or tasks related to stability, practicality and beautifying your surroundings.

  • If the Moon is in an air sign (yellow), it might be a good time for communication, intellectual pursuits, or socializing, the mental processes.

  • If the Moon is in a water sign (blue), it could be a time for emotional reflection, creativity, or nurturing activities.

  1. Observing Patterns: Over time, you may notice patterns or trends in how certain activities or moods correlate with the Moon's position and phase. Use this information to fine-tune your planning and decision-making process.

  2. Personal Reflection: Keep a journal or notes to track your own experiences and observations related to the Moon's cycles and its influence on your life. This can help deepen your understanding of astrological influences and how they manifest in your daily life.

By incorporating this calendar into your routine and paying attention to the Moon's movements and its alignment with the Zodiac signs, you can enhance your awareness of astrological energies and use them to your advantage in planning and decision-making.

Over the last twenty years, I have been making this calendar in this way, never did I come across any month that would be the same. All planets have their own rhythm of movement. The way they dance around the Zodiac and connect to each other is unique.

The Sun travels through the Zodiac in one year, one degree per day.

Mercury and Venus as well one year, but have their own standard of movement with their Retrograde moments.

Mars takes two years.

Jupiter takes about twelve to thirteen years.

Saturn takes twenty-eight to thirty years.

I do not use any of the modern planets.

In my experience, they do not apply to the void of course Moon.

Each day has 24 hours, so the middle of the day is noon. You can see the time at the bottom of one day when the Moon goes V.C. (Void of Course) and with what planet she makes a last aspect to what distance.

The colour beige shows the V.C. period until the Moon enters the next Zodiac sign shown by an arrow and time.

Example below Tuesday 21 March 2023

The blue part shows that the Moon is in Pisces a Water sign, at 13:55 hours she will make her last aspect to Mars, a square in this case, a 90-degree distance, and is then Void of Course until 17:02 hours. Moon faces will be shown in the right top corner.

Here we see the New Moon at 18:24 hours, 0 degrees and 50 minutes in Aries.

List of glyphs.

The elements and how they are related to our lives.


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